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A selection of Photos

Terrapins in a pond at Livorno, Italy

Weymouth - stoker with Janet who has provided all kinds of help and support

Two cycles on top of the tandem and still within the space allowed on the train

Arrival in London on Eurostar

The only trolley on Milan station, liberated by the management

Shop window in Milan with Manchester United strap

We needed our first class compartment between Livorno and Milan

Livorno station

Snow covered mountains Naples Bay

Naples from the sea

Into the morning sun Naples Bay

Mountain above Naples Bay

Swallows resting on the ship 400 miles from land

Hitch hiker

The illuminated Jesus statue as we left Havana Harbour

Boy on bike on bus

The bike bus platform

We were very pleased to see the Melfi Iberia come into Havana Harbour

The ship loading in Cuba

The Cuba rum bottle we launched in mid Atlantic

The management in the bow getting away from it all

Waves crashing over the reef

Breakers find a hole in the reef

Velodrome near Havana

Slum roofscape

Everyday mode of transport and nothing frightens these horses

A sculpture of women athletes for the 1992 Panamerican games

A sculpture of men athletes for the 1992 Panamerican games

Unloading the Havana bike bus at the ramp

Literacy improved rapidly during the early days of communism

José Marti helped free the slaves in Cuba - a true hero

The Capitol, let us hope that one day soon it will house a democratically elected parliament

It may not look much in the photo but this house is luxury in Cuba

The bust of Hemingway at Cojimar made from donated brass boat fittings

The stoker has gone off touristing for both of us

The highest bridge in Cuba. Leaning on the parapets not recommended

A fishing dock in Matanzas

Cuban pharmacy in 1964

No bikes on this train

Crabs sometimes cross the road in front of us but this is the biggest we have seen

The Bay of Pigs is a great place for diving

With our Belgian friends in the luxury casa at Cienfuegos

A cyclist hitching a tow from a horse bus

The family bullock cart

Tatty Lada, Moskovich or a friendly reliable horse?

Fishermen working from a boat made of old polystyrene packing and welded angle iron. It does not come with an engine and sails where they exist are old sheets of plastic

Last time we came this way this burning charcoal kiln was being built

Just three weeks ago this was a burning charcoal kiln. Now all the charcoal has been taken away.

The people here love the lizards which keep down the insects. This one is around 20cm long and moves rather like a small rodent

A heron in the mangrove swamps taken from the 50km causeway to the Northern Cays

After the peleton had gone through this poor guy in the middle is being pushed over the line by two of his team mates

A typical street scene, this time in Santa Clara

Street art

A management dilemma which could be solved by Hobnob

Part of the 50km causeway to the Northern Cays stretching into the distance

The lively ones play dominos but most just hang about all day doing nothing

He can take a pig to water but can he make him drink?

Tropical fruit for breakfast in the casas but we are lucky to even get tinned in hotels

We called these pterodactyls

These birds fly beautifully and dive to catch fish in their dangerous looking beaks

The management has a beard trim

Off road tandem

Puddle in a wild place which did for us


Support vehicle

Peleton in full chase

A typical cowboy

The family horse

Bullock cart selling tomatoes

Bell tower to control the slaves

Girls balancing on the line

Train taking on water

1911 train letting off steam

Peasant house in the wild

Peanut (Austin A35) not all old cars are from USA

Charcoal burning takes several days

Charcoal ready to burn

Pushing through beach sand

Stoker as Woman Friday
Bay of Pigs

Not a boat but polystyrene boxes tied together. They are
taken to the windward side of the bay and blow back,
fishing on the way. Very dangerous by our standards.

Havana as we came into port

A Willys jeep circ 1959 photographed for Hil and Geoff.
It was their family transport in South Africa as children.
They are usually seen in Cuba with at least six people in them.

One of the few old US cars in Havana that might just scrape through a British MOT

We think these are vultures. There are many of them and this one is drying
its wings in the early morning just like the cormorants in Weymouth

Running for a lorry to get home from work

An ox plough, we saw many working in the fields

We think this is an egret, many animals here have one
but we have never seen one sitting on a cow in Weymouth

The management scrumping oranges

The tandem shortened to a solo for Eurostar

St Pancras for Eurostar

The bike and luggage packed for Trenhotel


Sagrada Familia old original front

Sagrada Familia detail of the front

Sagrada Familia modern rear

Crane blocking the cycle route

Health and safety?

Tall ship leaving Barcelona

Harbour Bridge, Barcelona

Wooden submarine Barcelona

Casa Milà (La Pedrera) Barcelona - Gaudi's apartment block

La Pedrera's whimsical chimneys

More of Gaudi's chimneys

Sagrada Familia from Pedrera's roof

The gatehouse at Parc Güell, Gaudí's garden

The management on Gaudí's bench, Parc Güell

Barcelona's funicular railway carries tandems

Valencia gardens

Sunset over Valencia

Tandem going aboard

Tandem riding on the side deck


Round tug in Valencia

Life boat drill

Painting the funnel - the crew work hard but still make time for a wave

The crew celebrating birthdays, the master in the foreground

Force 8 from the bridge

One hour at a time, very civilised

Mist over Halifax Harbour, air temperature minus 20

A grumpy management in Halifax

A semi going on board for Castro

Our cabin on the Melfi Iberia

Muster station Melfi Iberia -20 on 16th January 2009

Muster station Melfi Iberia +20 on 22nd January 2009

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