Chain Gang Trail
The Route in DetailConnect2 Web Site Freedom for children away from the roadsEveryone enjoys the trail
Weymouth to Portland
Click for Google Picture of the route
Connect2 Funding?
Click to Support the bid
Great for kids
Click for more kids on the trail
Fun for all
Click-but it may never have happened


We are well on the way to obtain funding to build a bridge over Newstead Road with Connect2 Funding. We need lots of support from locals and visitors alike. We need your vote when the project goes on TV late in 2007. When we are successful the money will come from the big lottery fund. This will give level paved access off road all the way from Weymouth to Ferry Bridge. Once we get there our local authorities have agreed that they will construct a safe route to reach the Sailing Academy. The route from the sailing academy to Portland Castle is already in place constructed as part of the redevelopment of Osprey Quay.

A Tufted Duck

Much of the work so far has been progressed by volunteers and it is anticipated that voluntary work will continue to promote the trail. This often enables funding sources not otherwise available. It also means that as cyclists pedestrians and the disabled we are of keen to see that all the facilities meet our various needs. The Authorities have, in us, a willing band of volunteers ready to work towards achieving the project without payment thereby reducing costs.

Portland Castle heritage site

Our next objective once the route to Portland Castle is complete is to fund the cost of providing the route from Castletown, to Portland Bill. While this part of the route is of great tourist interest it also serves the local community. Many people from the island work in the port area and the Olympic venue safe and routes are need to get them to and from these areas. It is anticipated that part of this will be funded from the various pots associated with the Olympics and the green legacy. We will not however ignore other options including landfill tax and the commercial sponsorship.

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